
Monday, November 12, 2012

Introducing Vinotype Harbour

I am going to try an experiment in social media with the introduction of a new community called Vinotype Harbour. The aim is to create a community of Internet wine entities that are diverse and know about the real facts that play in the influence and completion of our wine preferences. Where everyone from new by consumers to veteran experts can express their point of view to those who agree and disagree in an atmosphere of mutual respect, free from pretension unease and coercion.
(an example might be a blog that writes about fruit wines which are sweet and another on Bordeaux Reds) Your site can be personal or have a commercial aspect as long as there is an ongoing educational aspect to it. (as long as it is wine related._
The way it works is that if you sign on, your content will be sent to Vinotype Harbour where the title of your content and a line or two of what its about will show up on the page. Interested viewers will be directed to your blog or site to see your content  This is called push notification, it will push traffic towards your site and hopefully increase your numbers.
The hope is that all who join will put something called an orb on their site (although it is not a requirement). What this does is show the latest content that has been published  by all members and give everyone a chance to get extra traffic.
There is no charge or cost.  Your content can be written, video, audio or photos as long as its wine related. All submissions have to be screened in order to prevent spam, hate, obscenities, and all the other nasty things that can appear. If everything is legit then this is only a rubber stamp.
Here is what it would look like. I have my stuff on there to demonstrate how it works and looks.
If this is of interest to you send me an email at with a link and brief description of your blog or site to see if this is a right fit.


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